You're lazy! You just stay in bed!

For those of you not familiar with the band Deep Purple, those are lyrics from the song "Lazy". You might be wondering how a cat could learn lyrics from a rock song. Well, when that song is about staying in bed all day, I ask you, do you actually think there is a cat on this earth who doesn't know the lyrics?? I think not.
Anyway, that's pretty much what I did all weekend. You can't see in this picture, but my bed plugs into the wall.'s heated. Mummy bought it for me a couple of years ago and in the winter I pretty much live in here...only leaving to eat, use the litter box and type on Mummy's computer.
Speaking of eating, I seem to have some new food. I'm still getting mostly the old stuff, but there are some huge pieces of new food in my bowl. I kinda like them, but I really have to crunch down on them! My teeth are getting quite a work out! Maybe Mummy will stop trying to brush my teeth now...
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