My poor paw! I went to the vet last week for my old lady check up, as you all know, and when Dr. Susanne checked my feet, they were fine, except for one little spot on my left heel that I keep licking. Two days later, however, Mummy noticed a big yucky hole on my right "hock". It was kind of oozy, but it looked clean, so Mummy put some antibacterial ointment on it and just kept an eye on it.
Yesterday, however, it got smelly. EW!! Mummy dragged me to the vet today because of it.
Dr. Susanne is quite puzzled as to what it could be, but she cleaned it all up - after a topical anaesthetic so it wouldn't hurt - and then she wrapped it all up. I'll bet you're all impressed that a kitty can spell anaesthetic...
I also got a shot! Ow!! And Mummy seems to have more treats to give me. I hope they taste like chicken. Amoxil tastes like chicken, as far as I know.
I was a really good girl this time. Dr. Susanne let Mummy hold onto me this time and I didn't struggle...I didn't even have to go in the bag!! I'm not too impressed with this bandage, though...
At 11:06 a.m.,
Anonymous said…
Poor Alaidh! Hope your paw gets all better real soon!
PS - I think your bandage look very stylish!
At 12:14 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Poor kitty - that's not a nice thing to happen to your paw. Get well soon. x
At 3:28 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I hope you recover as quick as possible!
Ike and Kika
At 3:37 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Awww, poor thing. You take care of that leg, now.
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